I am using Byond 4.0 and I am mad after making my skin theres no host button... :(

Is this a bug?

If not how can I fix this?
on the options and messages window goto server - host

or you can code your own host button and add it to your skin using the .host command

or even a custom host button using some inputs and OpenPort!
In response to Falacy
only thing I got on the top is File
Heres a screenshot maybe this will help
In response to Hellonagol
right click the dream seeker task bar and select options and messages, then go server-host from there
Hellonagol wrote:
Is this a bug?

No. Everything in the skin can be edited by you except for the Options and Messages window.

If not how can I fix this?

Either make a host button yourself (just create a button and have it call the .host verb), type .host as a verb in your input box, right-click Dream Seeker and select "Host" from the "Server" menu or right-click Dream Seeker, select "Options and Messages" and then select "Host" from the "Server" menu.

-- Data