Is there a better way of phrasing this...


Eh... er, thanks! =P

uhhh wtf are u tryin to do?
In response to Falacy
Make sure it has no numbers in...



P.s. It is 02.21am so I might not be completely on the ball right now...
In response to Ease
var/length = length(string)
for(var/a = 1 to length)
var/ascii = text2ascii(string, a)
if(ascii >= 48 && ascii <= 57) return 0
return 1
In response to Ease
mob/verb/TestN(var/N as text)
world<<"[i] found in [N]"
In response to Popisfizzy
Thanky Sfizzy! =D

In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
> proc/has_numbers(string)
> var/length = length(string)
> for(var/a = 1 to length)
> var/ascii = text2ascii(string, length)
> if(ascii >= 48 && ascii <= 57) return 0
> return 1

whats the point of var/a? or of that for loop at all o.O
In response to Falacy
make a title screen for our game
In response to Falacy
A mistake on my part, which I've now corrected.