I plan on making it controller compatible (With X-Padder, or whatever it's called) anyway but for keyboard warriors...
I'm making a DBZ sidescroller (Don't judge, it's Build your own net dream not build your own flame war) and I've come to a spot of trouble. Movement in the game is very important, it dictates the direction of which you're using a lot of the abilities and attacks, for example W+(Punch Key) will do an upwards punch, but the issue is that I don't really know what to set Punch Key to. If you want to do a NORTH NORTHWEST punch you'd have to hold W+A and Punch Key, which would be awkward if it was Q like I had originally planned.
I'm not sure if I should go with arrow keys for movement and other keys for combat, since there isn't really any main use for the mouse, it seems logical but it feels wrong having played WASD games all my life.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Jul 20 2014, 2:55 am
A lot of guys who come from the Nintendo scene seem to like like arrow keys & z,x,c,v,b (the lowest row of character)
I come from the more traditional PC users and we're mostly used to ctrl, alt, space, left shift, arrows. When I get a scroller game I would naturally try ctrl + space to puch upwards. Either way works but if you look at scrollers that were built purely for PC and not ported from consoles they don't generally use the alphabet keys much. Just another alternative. |
When you attempt to use WASD for movement, your stuck with either: having keys right next to your movement, making your right hand useless in the game; OR the right side of the letters, where it's very easy to lose your position and aren't able to figure out what button does what; OR, the absolute right end of the keyboard, where some laptop players don't have access.