Once searching linebreaks on the forum I found a post about how in 401.963 linebreaks are gone from Grids and we would have to come up with another solution. I have tried many attempt although none work. I have come up with a theoretical solution although I am not sure it will work. My solution in theory is too use:
usr << output("text here","mygrid.grid")

but to use multiple without erasing the previous output like it does if I were to put:
usr << output("text here","mygrid.grid")
usr << output("more text","mygrid.grid")

Is there a line that I would have to add to keep it from overwriting the previous and would that even work or would it still be executed and put on the same line?
Outputting to the same cell will always overwrite whatever was there before.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
how exactly would I create another cell?
In response to Upinflames
Upinflames wrote:
how exactly would I create another cell?

Use winset() to set the value of current-cell to another one.
Make sure you're using flexible lists or cells is set properly!

-- Data
In response to Android Data
Thanks Lummox and Data

[EDIT]: After using what Lummox and Data gave me I still have the problem but I have a code. Is it with my code?
winset(usr, "stats", "Cells=2")
winset(usr, "stats", "current-cell=1,1")
usr << output("Test", "stats")
winset(usr, "stats", "current-cell=2,1")
usr << output("Test2", "stats")

My assumption is that the problem is with the current-cell