I want to get rid of _ and make it be a space How can I do this?
You can't remove that from the code, _ represents a space.(_ should only be used in any names for procs, vars, lists, or verbs.
In response to Kakashi24142
I don't want it removed from the code just the text that the players see
In response to Hellonagol
hmm when there is a _ in verbs/procs, players see a space.
In response to Kakashi24142
I just edited the font and took out the _
In response to Hellonagol
I was gonna say just put in a little name code, and name it in ""s and you should be able to use space's.
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do so I'll run through a few possible ways to answer your vague question.

In a verb: You want to set it so you don't see the _ character in a verb?

mob/verb/Verb_Name(mob/M in world)
set name="Verb Name"
//Verb stuff

You want to completely remove the _ character from your chat or character creation, then I suggest looking up the procs Copytext and Findtext.

I really can't help you without a more thorough of an explanation.
if(!istext(string)) return string

var/underscore = findtext(string, "_")
string = copytext(string, 1, underscore) + " " + copytext(string, underscore + 1)
underscore = findtext(string, "_", underscore + 1)

return string

Just pass the string to have underscored removed as the arguments.