FirstVar = text2num("[copytext(TempStorage,StartL,StartL+6)]")
Lets say, that the variable StartL+1 to StartL+6, VarB
Also, lets say that VarB = "8"
Now if I wanted to use that to embed the value of VarB into the text2num protocol.
Possible Results: Sorry, I currently have no way to test this!
1. FirstVar = "VarB" (Runtime error?)
2. FirstVar = 8
If you want to find the value of a variable from a string containing the variable's name, look at the entry for <code>datum.vars</code> in the DM reference.
Something like this would be the general idea:
The variables you try to access must be defined as member variables of the datum or atom. You can't access local or global variables through <code>vars</code> (as far as I know).