(Note:Sorry if im note being to specific here....)

Ok Thanks for checking this post!
Ok what i need is a verb that will bring up a list of players in the world and the player that they select will be sent an alert asking them to teleport, if they say yes then the asker and the reciever will be teleported to a specific X,Y,Z coordinates....

Ehehe sorry if im just begging for code, i really cant figure this out, well if u respond to this thanks!!!
mob/verb/Whatever(mob/M in world)

var/x = input("X Coordinate") as num
var/y = input("Y Coordinate") as num
var/z = input("Z Coordinate") as num

switch(alert(M,"[usr] wants you to meet him at [x],[y],[z]","","Accept","Deny"))

somethign like that?

May I get this straight?

Player A asks Player B to teleport.

IF Player B accepts....

THEN Player A and Player B both are teleported to X,Y,Z.


I was a tad confused.


Do you mean, "THEN Player A moves to loc of Player B."
In response to Max Omega
Hmm i think thatll work so thanks

PS: I love your game, The World R:2 Its really well done ^^