proc/respawn(type, location)
new type(location)
But one problem it respawns them where they died... Players get annoyed cause they always come to the spawn point and pile up. Players eventually can not move cause they all attack at once. How can I change this to make them spawn at there map location.. I was thinking something using initial proc but I have no idea.
What you have: a respawn proc which gets the type and the location it's supposed to spawn at. It automatically creates the type on the specified location after 60 seconds. This procedure is called by your original type after it dies.
Note: The respawn proc can be improved to allow specifying a timeout.
What you need: the location parameter needs to have the initial location the original type started on.
Possibilities: you could try initial(loc) to see if that works. Otherwise, you could make an additional variable and save the location the type spawned on in that. You could also hard-code the location and send it through on a type-per-type basis.
Conclusion: instead of posting with your "problem" on the forums, wouldn't it be better to try some of the solutions and if nessesary post any problems you're encountering with those on the forums?
I mean, you're just begging for code here. That's not the way it goes -- you must first try to do it yourself before getting here.
-- Data