At the moment I'm trying to make a Window Pop-up that has two buttons on it that are invisible. Some of the procs/verbs that cause it to show up may cause the buttons to become visible, and I want that specific proc/verb to be able to change what clicking on said buttons actually does. So far I have the Window popping up, and the buttons showing up correctly, but I can't get their command to do what I want it to do.
I have this so far.
var/obj/O = new()
O.icon = 'Items.dmi'
O.icon_state = "FlrScrl"
winshow(M, "Quest", 1)
M << output(null, "QuestIcon") //empties QuestOut1
M << output("<BIG>\icon[M.Quest]</BIG>", "QuestIcon")
M << output(null, "QuestOut1") //empties QuestOut1
M << output("[]", "QuestOut1")
M << output(null, "QuestOut2") //empties QuestOut2
M << output("You found <NORM>\icon[O]</NORM>!! \n\
You found the Scroll of Power of Flair! \
If you read it you will become far more impressive!\
", "QuestOut2")
M << output("Read it?", "QuestOut2")
winset(M, "Button1", "is-visible = true")
How could I get clicking on Button1 to call "obj/Quest1/Clicker()" ?