In response to Skyiden
Skyiden wrote:
.-. if only your lazy ass did shiet that wasn't Pokeman.

i does other shiet besides pokeman....

I doez da narritos too.
Southend_boi is so dreamy. I love the art, but

you can get capped anywhere call it Craigslist. As soon as I see you I let the tech spit and I'll let off a clip like it's netflix
The art looks nice. However, I wouldn't want it for a Pokeman game. It looks too glossy for it. As if the Pokeman were lubed.
computer just crashed so i lost all my work... might post something pretty soon now that i gotta start over with everything.
In response to Southend_boi
Ouch,sorry about the computer crash,However looking foward to see new stuff from you. Goodluck.
CTRL+S. Ctrlllll+S....
Use dropbox southend don't be a victim.
Poke'mon and Naruto, c00l.
Charles if you need your palette I can resend it to you bruh I still got it..
In response to Southend_boi
Southend_boi wrote:
computer just crashed so i lost all my work... might post something pretty soon now that i gotta start over with everything.

I still have everything you ever sent me via graphics gale, DMI etc, so just hit me up on Skype if you need them.
I'm just going to post here because of my Member picture. heh
hard drive failure lmao... on my backup windows xp computer won't be pixeling for 2days.

whys everything breaking :'( this computer can't even handle skype
I feel your pain I went through a laptop and a desktop computer the past year.
I'm not saying you do or don't but you both should be staying away from specific sites on your computer devices. It may feel good at the time but, those sites can have malicious content on them. XD
Been on those sites since i was 13 never got a virus i also havent had an antivirus since 9/11 no viruses. just Ccleaner and defraggler and monthly Re-OSing.
I'm glad I know your age so I can get an accurate time frame. Lol
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