Dec 1 2007, 4:18 pm
If I use A and B for the player vs the monster or whatever what would I use to set B to the monster and A for the player and it switch when the monster attacks?
Dec 1 2007, 4:21 pm
I think you'll have to be more specific before anyone can help you. Are A and B variables? What kind of battle system is this?
In response to YMIHere
Its a turned based battle system and A and B are vars used to determine who turn it is, and how my skill procs, my attack proc, defend proc, and monsterAI
anything else you need to know? |
In response to Lundex
That's still not a lot to go on. You're obviously going to want a loop, and you'll probably want to set A and B to the mobs themselves. I don't have a lot of experience with turn-based systems, but I'm sure there's been a lot of discussions on the forums that you can look for (particularly in Design Philosophy) and maybe even a demo on the hub.