Dec 6 2007, 8:50 pm
Just like the topic starts, pretty much when you enter a room there is a change that you'll run into a battle? Anyone got an example of what it will look like.
Dec 7 2007, 12:14 am
In response to Garthor
So if that someothercondition is like a var called arenatype would help calls the randommonsters would that work? Only question is what should I put as (ismob??)
In response to Lundex
ismob(M) is ismob(M). It's built-in. It return 1 if M is a mob, and 0 if it isn't.
I assume you don't want to always enter a battle every time you move, so someothercondition would just be whatever other conditions you want. Presumably, a prob() based on the area's chance for random battles. |
In response to Garthor
Hmm, ok now I tried to set up a proc as randombattle, but it continues to say its an undefined proc.