I was wondering how you would go about making a DWM breeding system. I know it can be done, because there is a DWM game on BYOND (DWMA2)

For those who have never played the game (which is probably most of you), Dragon Warrior Monsters is comparable to Pokemon. You catch monsters and train them. But there is also a breeding aspect to it that goes into more depth than Pokemon does.

Monsters are divided into families. This leads to the simplest form of breeding. You can breed a bird (as the pedigree) and a beast to get BullBird. But if you bred a beast and a bird, you would get a CatFly.

I would need a list of some sort. I, however, do not know the best way to go about this. If you need more details, just tell me.

Thanks in advance,
First write it all down on paper.
In response to Obs
Obs wrote:
First write it all down on paper.

That doesn't really help because I don't know what to do.
In response to LastTroubadour
That's the point of writing it down on paper. What do you expect people here to come out and tell you what to do? It's your responsibility.