![]() Dec 27 2007, 8:28 am
i notice most of the games on byond have hair colors? Am i right? So do really have to add all the diffrent hair colors or is just something in the DM that does it?
Usually it is an overlay.
Create an icon file with different states, all of hair colors of varying hue. Set it as an overlay, I do this usually by: [code] obj overlay BrownHair icon = 'brownhair.dmi' icon_state = "BrownHair" [/code] Now, you need to create a proc or verb that sets the overlay based on a condition. Like, for example mob/Login(). [code] mob Login() var/haircolor = input ("What color hair would you like?") in list ("Blonde","Brown","Bald") if(haircolor == "Blonde") HairIsBlonde() else if (haircolor == "Brown" HairIsBrown() else Bald() [/code] [code] mob proc HairIsBrown() src.overlays += /obj/overlay/BrowHair [/code] |
It has something to do with RGB colors I think.