- Squad 1: - The Captain's presence in Race Wars greatly increases the Shinigami's morale, boosting HP by 10% and Reiatsu by 5%. Both Captains and normals in the Squad recieve a passive 6% HP boost, and do not benefit from the Captain's passive. (PhantomKurei)
- Squad 2: Faster movement speed, 5% dodge chance on top of bonuses from Quick Flash passive when it comes to Melee attacks and Ninja suit. (PhantomKurei)
- Squad 3: Faster Melee Attack (Adfgshjkl)
- Squad 4: 33% Faster regen, Healing Kidou
- Squad 5: Theres a 10% chance that when you take damage, 25% of it will be reflected onto the atker
- Squad 6: Mastery of Shunpo at 200 uses. Upon Master of Shunpo, they get a chance based on 40% of their Reiatsu (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation) to instantly flash-step behind a person attacking them (targetted or otherwise). This action may / may not drain Reiatsu. (Yoren)
- Squad 7: Take 10% less damage from attacks
Captain have a 67% chance that hostile npcs wont attack him
- Squad 8: Faster Mastery (7.5%) of Shikai and Bankai. Upon Mastery of these, 15% Boost in damage to that Zanpaktou's respective area on Bankai. (Yoren)
- Squad 9: They gain a buff of 15% of their Defence stat. Furthermore, when being attacked, they have a chance of 10% of their Defence, not counting the buff, to ignore 30% of the damage dealt for 6 seconds to them from an attack (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation). (Yoren)
- Squad 10: 20% bonus to HP/Rei depending on if they are attack based or rei based. If they are both they get a 10% bonus. (Adfgshjkl)
- Squad 11: You get an atk boost in bankai
The captain gets a bigger boost
- Squad 12: Receives a bigger boost when they deactivate both of the other labs
- Squad 13: You get a def boost in bankai
The captain gets a bigger boost
- Kidou Corps: Upon joining this squad you will regen rei faster
Your kidos will be buffed by (your level divided 10)
![]() Jul 10 2014, 1:12 pm (Edited on Jul 12 2014, 4:26 pm)
![]() Jul 10 2014, 1:18 pm
squad 8 ,hmmmmm how bout no c/d flashstep
1 - Should all of them be remade? Definitely.
2 - Option 2 discussed in-game feels the most fitting for Squad 8, which Kyoraku and Lisa are both part of, and they're more heavy hitters than defensive beasts. 3 - Can think of a couple bonuses almost immediately. S12 - Zanpakuto with additional effects (Burning, Preventing skill use, etc) have a bonus 5% chance to trigger their effects. 10% for Captain of S12. S3 - Squad Members receive a 3% "invisible" boost to all stats for each additional Squad 3 member nearby. The Captain's and Liutenant's presence grants an immediate 5% boost (each) on top of that. S10 - Improved Zanpakuto skill damage (10~15% improvement), however Shikai and Bankai will always drain 10 rei per second regardless of mastery state. S11 - Attack cap per level moderately increased, however Rei(Damage) and Def caps are slightly lowered. S2 - Faster movement speed, 5% dodge chance on top of bonuses from Quick Flash passive when it comes to Melee attacks. S5 - 'Metacognition' active skill, convert Rei into a defensive membrane, when someone uses a targeted projectile move you will not receive damage. Why? Because who said I didn't predict this..? S6 - 'Self-Discipline' active skill, Turns the tide of a losing battle, removing all negative effects. Costs an extreme amount of Reiatsu. S1 - The Captain's presence in Race Wars greatly increases the Shinigami's morale, boosting HP by 20% and Reiatsu by 5%. Both Captains and normals in the Squad recieve a passive 10% HP boost, and do not benefit from the Captain's passive. |
Yes, All Squad Bonuses should be redone. Or at least, the majority
My Ideas: Squad 1: Faster Mastery (10%) of Shikai and Bankai. Full Mastery grants them 20% Bonus Damage in that Zanpaktou's respective area (20% Boost to Reiatsu if Reiatsu-Based, 20% to Attack if Attack-Based, 10% to both if Based on Both). Squad 2: Faster Mastery (10%) of Shunpo and Shunkou and an equippable "Ninja Suit". Unpon Mastery of Shunkou, they gain a 20% Boost when attacking with the Skill activated. They also have a chance of 15% of their Attack (may require a cap on the actual number after calculation) to gain a 30% boost in damage on a Critical Strike. Squad 3: Open to ideas Squad 4: Faster Mastery (15%) of All Non-Offensive Kidou. Upon Mastery of such Kido, their Kidou's effects last 50% longer (let's say, Bind typically lasts 3 seconds, then it'll last 4.5 seconds instead). Squad 5: Open to ideas Squad 6: Faster Mastery (10%) of Shunpo. Upon Master of Shunpo, they get a chance based on 40% of their Reiatsu (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation) to instantly flash-step behind a person attacking them (targetted or otherwise). This action may / may not drain Reiatsu. Squad 7: They gain a buff of 15% of their Attack and Defence, to their respective stats (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation). Also, can take 10% more Wounds than others (Not to be Confused with Squad 11's Bonuses), so as to "replicate" Kommaru in the Manga being "Undead". Squad 8: Faster Mastery (7.5%) of Shikai and Bankai. Upon Mastery of these, 15% Boost in damage to that Zanpaktou's respective area (Similar to Squad 1). Also, they have a chance of 15% based on their Attack stat (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation) to ignore a 50% of a person's Defence when performing an Physical Attack. Squad 9: They gain a buff of 20% of their Defence stat. Furthermore, when being attacked, they have a chance of 10% of their Defence, not counting the buff, to ignore 50% of the damage dealt to them from an attack (a cap may be needed on the actual number after calculation). Squad 10: Faster Mastery (15%) of Bankai. They also gain a 15% buff to all Combat Stats, based on the respective stat (may require a cap after calculation), when fighting anyone within Rukongai and Soul Society. Squad 11: They gain a buff of 20% to Attack, based on the stat (may need a cap after calculation). Furthermore, they recover from being KO'd 10% faster than anyone else. Squad 12: Open to ideas Squad 13: They gain a 10% buff to all Combat Stats when fighting anyone on Earth, 15% if within Karakura Town. Furthermore, they Master all Non-Offensive Kidou Faster (10%), and gain such a boost with those Kidous effects upon their Mastery (similar to Squad 4's buffs) Kidou Corps: Faster Mastery (15%) of All Kidou. Upon Mastery, that Kidou now costs 15% less to perform, based on the Player's Reiatsu stat (may require a cap after calculation). All Offensive Kidou gain a 15% Buff based on the Reikyou stat (may require a cap after calculation). Also note: Limit Break will show an insginia for that Squad (Can be found here: http://thebleachhollow.wikifoundry.com/page/ The+13+Court+Guard+Squads) and will grant a 20% boost to that Squad's Bonus (outside of any that involves Mastery. For example: Squad 11 with Limit Boost would gain 40% buff to Attack, and recover 40% faster from KOs, while Squad 10 would gain 35% buff to All Combat Stats while fighting in Soul Society and Rukongai). |
Squad 1:
All of Squad 1 get a stat boost. If captain is in 60 or so tiles from shini. Everyone gets a stat boost. Captain and LT get a bigger boost though. Squad 2: Auto Shunko mastery 5% faster flash step and they get a ninja suit by talking to said NPC. Squad 3: Faster hitting speed Squad 4: Reiatsu bonus Squad 5: Chance to make the enemy miss/Untarget you. Squad 6: They should get a wound damage boost. They do more wounds with their hits. Squad 7: They get a 10% Attack and Defense bonus, they also have a small chance preferablly 5-10% chance to recover 50 wounds if they were to be killed instead of being killed. Squad 8: Auto mastery of Flash step. They also have a 10% more chance to critical hit a person/enemey. Squad 9: 20% chance to ignore 50% of damage dealt to them. No stat boost. Squad 10: 20% bonus to HP/Rei depending on if they are attack based or rei based. If they are both they get a 10% bonus. Squad 11: 15% Attack bonus they recover hp/wounds faster then normal Squad 12: They have an extra body. If they were to be killed. They can be put into that body, but they lose 10% of all they're stats for 5 mins. If they are captain they lose 5% of power. |