I saw an interface made by The Naked Ninja it showed that he customized the window that pops up when you use the say verb how is this posible and how can it be made movable?
If you mean a BYOND 4.0 interface, it's simple. Just make a new window.

If not, you can change the input title with verbs such as "say(t as text)" with the desc setting for verbs.
In response to Kaiochao2536
I know I should make a window but what I dont know is how I can make it appear or how I can make it movable and resizable.
In response to Miran94
First thing first, let's add in the transposable input element (or whatever you want it to be). Open up the interface file (or create one if you haven't) and follow the following:
  1. Create a new window element
  2. Edit this new window element, name it something simple (which is "chatwin" in this example)
  3. Uncheck the visibility option of this window element.
  4. Go to the options tab and set whatever options you want (ex: only having title bar, resize, close and minimize checked). Be sure NOT to check this as a pane otherwise... well, if you're curious, try and see...
  5. Close the edit options and resize this new window element to whatever size you want and fill it in with whatever you want (ex: an input element).
  6. Whenever you are done, close up the interface and save
All the above was just in the interface file itself. Back in point #3, I mentioned to uncheck the visibility option (which means that, by default, the new window is hidden) and name it something you can remember, which is "chatwin" for this example).

All we have to do now is program in a verb which shows us this invisible window element with... winshow()! Simple, neh?
That will show your transposable input (or whatever you placed in the "chatwin").