Just posting this here to it gets to Alchemist's old playerbase who I assume are the people who would be most interested in this post. Oracle of Elements is the successor of Alchemist, it's cleaner, easier to understand, and to be honest I think it's a lot more beautiful than the artwork/gameplay of Alchemist.
Feel free to check it out and see how high you can get on the highscore board. The game is of course still in development, but the only thing that truly needs to be added is music and sound which will be added soon.
Hope you enjoy it!
Sorry I've been inactive on BYOND for the past couple of months, I had a lot going on that I needed to concentrate on.
But this new artwork and setup definitely looks cleaner and more classy than the previous one. I'll continue to follow up on the updates and hopefully get a chance to get a game in or two to help you test it out and give feedback whenever I have time.
By the way, I like that fancy game name. :)
Oracle of Elements, my new favorite!!!!!!!!