I wasn't impressed with what I saw last night when I logged in.
To begin with both servers I logged into both had different title screens with fucked up menus. I had to click blindly around to get into the actual game.
Second of all, one of the servers I logged into had a bunch of high level mobs in the newbie area and just killed me over and over again.
I don't know what kind of "game" you are running here, but if the issues stem from unofficial servers, hosts don't need any abilities other then hosting a server. If there's an issue there should either be a in-game system that handles it or they should get ahold of the developer for assistance.
Further, even at the developers discretion, it's really unesescary and frivolous for them to have access to commands that would allow trouble, cheat or otherwise cause unneeded issues.
Finally, I don't know about "new" content, but both newbie areas didn't even offer the option to play or skip tutorials and when I finally did get out of that area, from what I saw, there wasn't anything that'd differentiate this game from GunBuddy's.
Someone in another post called this game a "rip" and at this point I'd have to agree with them. I don't really care if you added anything in, or fixed bugs or what. All I saw was fucked up scripting, the same old areas and tiles and a rampant example of abuse running wild.
![]() Jul 9 2014, 1:49 pm
![]() Jul 9 2014, 4:58 pm
I really can't blame you for any of your opinions. They're completely warranted. I was repeatedly asked to host the incomplete versions of the game and gave in, perhaps to the expense of the game's credibility and my own. I'm hopeful that the updates made in the immediate future will alleviate the negative criticisms and pave the way for more suggestive, player-driven content.