Do not post on this if you are going to complain or argue how this will never work or just plain having nothing good to contribute to the helping of the question being asked.

This game maker will be using pre-rendered 3D model shapes that the community uses to create almost anything that will look professional and be original. It will generate the code and icons for you after you design the game using the game maker with in Dream Seeker. The graphics in this example will not be the graphics used in the actual game maker itself. The graphics will be designed to be stylish and connect with each other in many ways to design almost anything you can think up. I won't say much else about it, you will see it later as work progresses on it.

Question: How can you skew an image and resize it's corners to be placed on the green wall in the picture then tiled to cover the whole wall? If you do not understand the question do not reply
You can use icon.Turn() but you'll have to tile and shift the icons accordingly.
In response to Hazman
Thanks for the reply.
Using icon.Turn will only rotate the image without transforming it to mold onto the wall.
I think you can use icon.Turn as mentioned and use the new icon.GetPixel to get certain parts of the texture relevant to parts of the wall. Sorry if I misunderstood you.

Good luck on the project, it sounds awesome! Hopefully you can get it working. :P
I haven't tried doing this, but I imagine you could take the original icon and for each x position, copy,crop,shift NORTH,blend with a skew icon.