name = "Flute"
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "flute"
set src in oview(0)
usr << "You get the flute."
set category = "Inventory"
usr<< 'tapion.mid'
usr.playing = 1
usr.icon_state = "play"
set category = "Inventory"
usr.playing = 0
usr.icon_state = ""
As you see the Stop() is always going to be in my Inventory tab as long as i have the flute object, how can i also have the Stop() only be available while im playing. so that its not always there. Mainly i want to know how to:
-Stop music from playing using the Stop() verb, and not just changing icon_state
-The Stop() verb only comes up while the player is usr.playing = 1
Just make sure you set a channel when playing the file, and when sending the null file use the same channel.