set category = "Room"
var/Create = input("What do you wish to call your chat room?")as null|text
switch(alert("Are you sure you want to create a chat room named [Create]?","Verify","Yes","No"))
usr.lounge = "[Create]"
I want a stat panel that will show the chat rooms that are made, and who is in them. I made a verb for it, which is:
set category = "Room"
usr << "The Chat room you are in is: [lounge]"
But I would rather have it in a stat panel, so everyone can see everything.
I also want to give the host of the server, his own set of moderating verbs. But I am not sure how to do that as I have never tried to do it (which means I have no clue =\).
Besides, I want it to have the name of the lounge, then the people who are in that lounge.