In my game i want a verb to be emotions and i dont know how i would go about doing this. I want the icon to display above the person using it. The part i am stuck on is how i would make the icon stay above the person and follow him around but dissapear after 10 seconds.

Also this is my code for telleporting to a room, but when he gets there he cant move. And i want him to move.

icon = 'done.dmi'
switch(input("Are you sure you're finished making your charicter?", text) in list ("Yes!","No!"))
alert("welcome to the b-daworld!")
usr.loc = locate(29,7,2)


Thanks for reading this your help would be verry much apreaciated

ps sorry for the bad spelling
There are different ways to do the icon. Look up images and overlays. With images, all you need to do is declare an image var in the object and put something there with the image proc, then add it to the client's images list for whatever player is controlling it. With overlays, you add the image to the object's overlays list.

For something that lasts 10 seconds, look up sleep and spawn procs. Removing an image is as easy as adding it, but you use -= inseated of +=

As for being stuck in movement, try making a verb to see what is happening, such as world << "move returns [move(whatever)]" I usually have a verb that tries something and outputs the return value to troubleshoot stuff like this, and I change the output depending on what I want to check out next. Read up on move and enter procs.