i want to toggle a turf to a verb, like when i do tourney start verb i want the entry to allow people but if there is no tourney it doesnt let them
Bluntmonkey wrote:
i want to toggle a turf to a verb, like when i do tourney start verb i want the entry to allow people but if there is no tourney it doesnt let them

} else {

In response to Obs
Obs wrote:
Bluntmonkey wrote:
i want to toggle a turf to a verb, like when i do tourney start verb i want the entry to allow people but if there is no tourney it doesnt let them

} else {


Please use the dm tag, also i dont think its a good idea to try and show him how to do it useing the bracket method.

Bluntmonkey, look up Entered()/Enter(). Thoose are you best bets at acomplishing what you want to do.