Ok, of course most people know if you make a verb like this:
mob/verb/Shoop(mob/M in world)
M<<"u ben shooped!"

It allows you to right click on a mob, and use the verb on them from there.

But if you do the same thing with an object:
obj/Shoop/verb/Shoop(mob/M in world)
M<<"u ben shooped!"

You can no longer use it when you right click on the mob.

How do I still enable it to be usable when you right click on the mob?
mob/proc/Shoop(mob/M in world) //Define it as a proc
M << "u been shooped lodifjasdofisdjalfsdf"

Get() //When the user gets Shoop
src.verbs += mob/proc/Shoop //Give them the shoop verb
..() //And give them the shoop
Drop() //When the silly bastard tries to drop it
src.verbs -= mob/proc/Shoop //Take away their power
..() //And drop that Shoop

In response to Darkmag1c1an11
Uh, this isnt what Im trying to do...

I mean how, when you right click on a mob, it shows that little panel with their name, then you click that and it expands another panel showing all the usable verbs that you can use on that mob.
In response to Dragonn
Right. By doing it my way, it should be doing exactly as you ask. If not, just make it a mob verb that checks if you have /obj/Shoop in your inventory, and shoops M if you do.
I'm not sure how everything applies in your game/actual code, but it's not going to work in your posted code because of the 'src setting'.

The default src setting for /mob verbs is "src = usr" which means that the verb will only be accessible by players of that type (the source type). So by default a /mob/verb would always be available to all players since they are all connected to a subtype of /mob. So this is how the first verb in your post is accessible.
However, the default 'src setting' for /obj verbs is "src in usr", requiring that the obj is contained by (is inside) the player. So naturally, the verb won't be accessible otherwise, via right-click or any other option.