I am trying to make a visual image of the icons in the panels
any idea how , i really suck at statpanel so any help would help me ;P
Apr 30 2008, 6:30 pm
Apr 30 2008, 10:42 pm
Allow HTML in the panel's interface options, then use \icon in this context:
In response to Murrawhip
That way may work, I haven't tried, but all you need to do is use the atom (ie 'src') directly as the value and it will display it's icon (with overlays and all). That's how it always worked, so you don't have to use HTML.
In response to Murrawhip
i enabled it still i got msg like
runtime error: bad index proc name: Stat (/mob/Stat) usr: the oiuoijm (/mob/ppp) src: the oiuoijm (/mob/ppp) call stack: the oiuoijm (/mob/ppp): Stat() the oiuoijm (/mob/ppp): Login Check(the oiuoijm (/mob/ppp)) Domedaydevice141 (/client): Read("oiuoijm") Load (/obj/Login/Load): Click(Background (3,2,2) (/turf/Login/Background), "Main.Map", "icon-x=23;icon-y=21;left=1") |
In response to Kaioken
You mean like ?
stat("Head:",headprotector) didn't work or stat("Head:",src) // i can't use this b/c how can i sperate like Head face etc.. it show the full person if i do it right now |
In response to Domedaydevice141
You can use any atom as the value so show it's icon, not only 'src'. As for your question, you're giving us practically no information. What icon(s) do you want to display? Are they used anywhere such as being items' icons? What do all those vars (headprotector,mask,whatever) hold? etc