What are some methods you guys have for when you leave a project alone for a semester and come back to it and try to figure out where you left off your code and what needs to be done?
Lugia319 wrote:
What are some methods you guys have for when you leave a project alone for a semester and come back to it and try to figure out where you left off your code and what needs to be done?

I've never really had this problem, I seem to always follow a curtain "style" you could say. Even my projects from 5 years ago I can understand completely :P

I guess one method would be to follow a pattern o:
Yeah, like Kozuma said, a design pattern specific to you usually helps with that. One thing I personally do is use specific proc names with _ where a space would be. It's easy for me to read and I really don't have to place too many comments (when I do, it's usually not necessary, but I choose to do it anyway just because, well .. because).
I usually just run the game and play it ( if I had gotten to the point where it was playable ). If you run the project you get a good idea of what you completed and where you need to pick back up.
When you come back to your code it can almost be like looking at code someone else has written. That's one reason why it's great to program as if you were programming for it to be read by someone else even thought you know for hobbies you'll most likely be the only one reading it.

If you practice writing readable, maintainable code you shouldn't really have this problem.

That being said when I come back to a project I like to make a list either on paper or just in my mind of what I've already accomplished. I make the assumption that everything was written well enough for me to just break back into it and I start writing the next step towards making it a functional game.