Hmm i was just wondering how do i make it so a verb goes inside a browser??

var/text = {"
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src << browse(text, "window=hello;size=500x300")

FixIcon(mob/M in world)
M.icon='Base white.dmi'
M<<"Your Base Icon has been restored!"
If you aren't using an interface, you can call browse() without the second argument, since by default, it will send the HTML to the default browser (which is the browser tab). If you do have an interface, you can still call browse() without the second argument if you set a browser control as the default control. If you want to target a specific control, you will have to use output().
In response to Unknown Person
uh your Fix Icon verb is kinda... bad.

it can pick from ANYONE, not even the person who used it.
so, it's like you can change any player's icon.

i'd do...
mob/verb/back_to_base_icon() //no args.
//just do your stuff here. replace the 'M<<'s with 'usr<<' as if it's a VERB, who else will call it?
In response to Eternal Desire
In response to Popisfizzy
does it matter? he'll know what i'm talking about >_>
In response to Eternal Desire
You don't seem to understand how a forum works. You reply to the person you're replying to, not to someone else. That way people can easily follow the flow of conversation and not get confused when a reference is made to something that isn't there.
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
You don't seem to understand how a forum works. You reply to the person you're replying to, not to someone else. That way people can easily follow the flow of conversation and not get confused when a reference is made to something that isn't there.
you dont understand how a REAL forum works.

BYOND is the ONLY forum i can think of that goes like:

---re: post
------re: post
----------re: post

95% of good forums that you look through all posts if you see you like the thread or something is like:
post (after the first one, your replying to each reply)
re: post
re: above
re: above etc.
In response to Eternal Desire
PHPBB software doesn't show threads like BYOND does, but there is a lot of other software that does. Digg uses software like that, I belive.
In response to Popisfizzy
Oh sorry ppl i copied it from my admin verb and it was like a copy and paste so i didnt look but thanks for pointing it out lol i prballly would have noticed when ppl started complaining xD im about to host my game soon just need to figure out some things like how a 64 x 32 pixel base is coded but im working on it and thanks for the help.