I want to have an extra chat box to display combat text..
I have made an extra input box on the skin editor called Combat, but how do I get text on it?
Jun 1 2008, 1:43 am
Jun 1 2008, 1:51 am
Input boxes are for you to get information from your players (have them type something in), so I assume what you really want are output boxes. Look up the output() proc in the reference.
In response to Nickr5
yeah i have an output box sry. But I can't get it to work and this is what I did.
src << output("You attack [M] for [damage]!", "output1.output") output1 is the name of the output box I made... |
In response to Hellonagol
src << output("You attack [M] for [damage]!", "output1") |