I'm not sure if this would be correct or not but here goes...
for(var/mob/M in
M.xx = M.x
M.yy = M.y
M.zz = M.z
var/savefile/F = file("Blah\ Blah\ Party Members\ [M].sav")
src<<"<font color = red><b><font size = 3>You're party has been saved!"

if(fexists("Blah\ Blah\ Party Members\ [M].sav"))
src<<"<b>You're party has been loaded."
for(var/mob/M in
M.loc = M.loc

Or would i just use regular saving implementation.

You don't need to muck around with any of that. Just F << party and F >> party will save and load the list, which saves and loads the mobs (calling Read() and Write() for them) because they're in the list.

Note that if any of those mobs are other players, Bad Things happen.
In response to Garthor
So using << would include their variables and whatnot into the file and when loading I'd just place them their party leader is and they'll have the same status?
In response to Choka
Wait how would relocate them outside of the savefile?
In response to Choka
What does that even mean?

If you have a list of mobs called party, then F["party"] << party will save that list into the savefile F at location "party". It will call Write(F) for all mobs (in fact, datums of any type) in that list. Once you do that, F["party"] >> party will LOAD, from that savefile, into the party list. It will call Read(F) for all mobs in that list.