Ok, I have this Save and Load code for players that has always worked.

Recently though, people are having a bug, where when they load their character their entire contents are missing, among other strange bugs. One of them appears like mob/Stat() isnt even running on them, as if they are an NPC or something.

But anyway, I want you to tell me what could interfere indirectly with formerly working Save and Load code? This is something indirect screwing with it.

Also, I have variables that store mobs for certain occasions, like projectiles, the mob that fired it is stored in obj/Projectile/var/mob/Owner. Also each mob has a var called mob/var/mob/Target which stores whoever they are "observing" at the time.

I have thought that these might have -something- to do with it, am I right? And I still want to hear other possibilities that could cause this.

Another thing, is that I have all this map saving code, I cant post it here its too large, but the savefile "corruption" only happens when the building and map saving code is included. Otherwise it doesnt. Now I am told by people experiencing these bugs that the bug -only- happens when the savefile for the map reaches over 20'000 objects in it. So Im wondering, whats all this got to do with it? Someone speculated that the Map Save being loaded was bloating the resource so that when people tried to load, the objects in their contents could not be recovered because there were already too many objects in the world?

I really need help on all this, I told all I know.
Although I don't know exactly what is wrong, it may be that you're loading the client into something other than a mob like an obj if the stat doesn't appear.
You could be out of disk space to save the files to.