![]() Jun 26 2008, 11:58 pm
A skin was just recently added to the game that my team and I are working on. The skin worked in a test run a few days ago but when we tried again today we got a strange thing. There were two screens that popped up. One was completely blank.The other underneather it was the screen that would have had the skin. And did in fact have the skin short of... But it only allowed us to connect and then have the screens pop up on the side screen it says that the connection ended. And the skin is not completely shown. does anyone have any suggestions or hints about how to possiblysolve the problem? We are wrking on it but keep drawing blanks. And the programmer that has been working on the game has been coding for about 5 days straight. Im trying to make thins alittle easier for him. Aby hints or tips or suggestions would be REALLY helpful right about now. Please and thank you.
Okay thanks the Programmer fixed the added screen problem but there is a totally new problem that WILL not let us connect to the game. Like everytime you try it says connection disconected right when you first load up the game. Hes been looking over the code and cant see a problem with it. I dont know if maybe the skin might have cuasued this or if something else might be to blame.
The host might be on a router. |
No its not the host. I get the same problem and the Programmer gets the same problem when we try to connect in single player. And the host got the sae problem when he tried running the game for everyone. Im thinking it has to do with the code. But I dont think it has to do with the skin code although it might... Its really confusing and the Programmer is getting frustrated with this problem. Hes to subburn to ask for help... Even when needed... Apparently hehas been checking all thoughout the code and has found nothing wrong with it. No reason why it wouldnt be working now. (im guessing since we are all tired and it isnt working something has been over looked we just dont know what) And this is getting very confusing and frustrating... Grrr...
For (a), simply delete the window.
For (b), edit the window and make sure that "Is a pane (not a main window)" is checked.
For (c), make sure that "Visible" is unchecked.