I saw this guy who had a donation button for pay pal and I made paypal and I can get the button on there but it doesn't work right it says decreption error once I click on it. I think the problem is my certificate ID can someone tell me what that is and how to get one cuz I have been trying to find out for like the past 3 hours and its getting very frusturating. Anyways thanks for your time.
You need to set up a merchant account on paypal. Click sellers tools or merchant tools or whatever it says, then click whichever one you want(there are three types). Then click donation and copy the HTML code onto your HUB.

If that doesn't work just reply to this and I'll find out for ya!
In response to Hi1
Keep in mind that if your hub entry is about copyrighted material, such as an Anime/Manga game, you are not allowed to ask for money in any way, shape, or form. If you do, you risk having your hub entry removed.