I'm struggling with making a girl who goes on gets a girl body and a boy who goes on gets a boy body.
Any help?
Clients have a gender variable which can be any of these eight: "male", "female", "neuter", "plural", MALE, FEMALE, NEUTER, PLURAL. Case-sensitive. You can check them in Login() to give them the appropriate icon.
In response to Kaiochao
Actually, I'm pretty sure MALE, FEMALE, NEUTER, and PLURAl are just constants for "male", "female", "neuter", and "plural", so there are only 4 choices. However, you should always use the constants as the compiler gives errors if you type it wrong.
Yeah, just do a gender check at the Login(), like:

if(usr.gender == MALE)
//Code Here
if(usr.gender == FEMALE)
//Code Here

I think that is how it would work.

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