Does anyone know how multi dimension work??And does anyone know how to let them choose the icon they are going to put together.I'm trying to make an icon game.
What in the hell is "multilying" and "multidimension"?
In response to Popisfizzy
Ah [crud].I meant like does any one know how to allow players to turn themselves into a big [stinkin'] icon >_>
In response to IOwned
Here is a library on it.
In response to Popisfizzy
Thanks for the libary.It helps!
In response to Popisfizzy
Uh oh the libary seems to have a bug itself D=.When I tried the demo myself and run it, it seems to have a bug of making you "flat" when you try to make yourself "Tall"
Here is a good tutorial. It uses some bad practice, most notably the : operator, but it's simple and to the point.

Edit: in the author's defense, using the : operator wasn't considered bad at the time, I think.