What the title does, I run a naruto game and I want the Henge to be useful and It helps RP more.
Set the name variable to null or "".
In response to Popisfizzy
Oh, I should of specified more, how would I do that, or can I do that, with mobs such as players?
In response to Relleke set their name variable to null or "".
In response to Popisfizzy
Kk, Just makin sure, but when you do that, when they talk in like ooc or something, can you still see their names?
In response to Relleke
No. You can use their key or what have you, but there name won't show.
In response to Popisfizzy
Then is there a way to make it so you dont see their name with you r mouse but in ooc?
In response to Relleke
Set the mouse_opacity var to 1 (I think; you'd best check). Of course, you won't be able to click on anything, then.
In response to Popisfizzy
Hmm, this is a minor setback, because we are trying to get a henge jutsu to be alot more effective, and an RP effective, so overall, we wanted to make it so you couldnt see someones name unless they said it to you, or somethin. execpt in ooc
In response to Relleke
Assign another var to contain the person's name, then make the person's
name = ""
Then just use the variable you defined previously for any name-handling stuff instead of the var
In response to Andre-g1
Could you also tell me the code to adjust height and with so I can make a good sized Face icon for talking?