BYOND Version:506
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Firefox 30.0
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Dream daemon starts minimized. All attempts to un-minimize dream daemon (either clicking in the taskbar or right clicking in tray > "Open Dream Daemon") does nothing or results in another minimized process being spawned. This bug completely prevents dream daemon from being used.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Run dream daemon.

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:
Dream daemon will un-minimize and can be used.

Actual Results:
Dream daemon cannot be used because the GUI never appears.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? N/A.
In other user accounts? Yes.
On other computers?
Still need to check.

When does the problem NOT occur?
It always occurs.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
This only started happening recently (this week). I don't think it coincided with an update.

Run the *.dmb directly from Dream Maker. Obviously this has limitations.
Additional notes:
Reinstalling did not solve the issue.
Just to clarify, are you opening Dream Daemon via your start menu shortcut or via Ctrl+D in the pager, or are you launching a game directly in DD? This sounds an awful lot like DD is starting a game (it auto-minimizes when doing so) and is stuck in an infinite loop in the code, or taking a long time to start. Is that the case? And what does your task manager say about DD's CPU usage during this time?
This issue occurs whether using the Ctrl+D shortcut, selecting "Start Dream Daemon..." in the menu, or running dreamdaemon.exe from windows explorer. The CPU usage is zero.
Given that this just started happening recently, and it doesn't seem to be tied to an infinite loop, I strongly suspect something else on your system may have changed in the interim. What else have you installed or done recently that might have made an impact?

Ruling out BYOND having an issue is of course premature, so I have some other ideas. One of them is to rename your user dir's cfg folder to something else temporarily, resetting all your config options. If DD is hung up on something, like maybe the ban list, then it's likely this would fix the issue. If it doesn't, then my hunch would still be to look for outside sources that recently could have changed your system's behavior.
I wasn't sure where Byond kept it's user files - I had been looking in AppData before you mentioned that. Deleting the cfg folder fixed the issue. Thanks!

Glad to hear. If you still have the old folder I'd be curious to see if there's anything wrong with the files within that might explain the problem you were having.
I believe this is the right one. It came from the recycle bin, so...
I just experienced the same issue, with the same solution.
Here's my old cfg folder, if that helps:
I had a similar issue and thanks to HarpyEagle, it was resolved. I found the exact reason of the problem. I do not know what caused it but I fixed it.

Navigate to C:\Users\Spades\Documents\BYOND\cfg and open daemon.txt

Look for a variable called window-pos.

In my case, window-pos was some nonsense like window-pos -425x-399

I changed it to something that would actually appear on my screen. In this case, window-pos 1038x119. Now the next time Dream Daemon started, it was visible.
Thank Lummox JR, not me. I just followed his leads.

I'm pretty sure I also had the nonsense window-pos, sorry for not coming back to report it.