I have saves for my bio, face icon, and bi picture, but I dont know the coding for the save and where to stick it, if someone knows, please give me that little bit the vars are faceicon, bio, and picture.
This code would load the entire mob, but you should be able to learn enough from it to load what you want to.

client/Del() //When someone really logs out. You need to call save here to avoid problems
mob.Save() //Call the save proc
..() //Call the parent and delete the client/call mob.Logout

var/savefile/F = new("players/[ckey].sav") //make a new savefile in
//the players folder under the src's ckey
F["mob"] << src //save the src (doesn't save tmp vars or x,y, and z)
src << "Save completed!"

if(fexists("players/[ckey].sav")) //if the savefile exists
var/savefile/F = new("players/[ckey].sav")
F["mob"] >> src //load the mob data
src << "Load completed!"

Load() //load the mob
..() //or whatever your code would be
Where Do I Put My Code?

Saves use the savefile object look it up in the DM guide or even the refrence.