Jul 3 2008, 8:57 am
Where can I upload the rsc files so they can be hosted by anyone, I already know about BYOND Hosting (only for members). Is there any free site to upload rsc files and making they work on BYOND ?
Copyright © 2025 BYOND Software.
All rights reserved.
The resource file is distributed only for the purpose of allowing people to download it from a website instead of from the host which alleviates a substantial amount of network lag. To do this you put your .rsc file (after packaging it to a zip file) on a webserver, then in your project use the preload_rsc var like so.
client/preload_rsc = ""
Thats the example given in the help file. Now if your confused and actually are trying to distribute host files which it sounds like you might be, then you want to package "world executable files" and then its just a matter of giving them to somebody and they open the .dmb file in dreamdaemon to host.