How do you make a background and the pictures on the background? I know who to do varables and Click(), but i can't figure out how to do this. I having a hard time explaning what i want to do but a example is if you ever player Naruto Goa by MaseterDan and you were you can choose the skill you want (if you have enough skill points). I am wondering how to do that. Like I said before i want it to be like naruto arena.
I didn't understand a word you typed.
Slow down, what do you mean?
Articulate more clearly, a background? turfs? Skill system?

Please look at Welcome Novice Programmer and any other thing you can learn from.
In response to Lcooper
Ok, what I need is to know how to put the background and put pictures there like naruto and the background dosen't move at all. Like when you first start naruto arena there is a background and pictures of all the characters. I want to know how to do that.
In response to Tyler0976
You can put an image file (i.e. .jpg, .png) as your background and it's dimensions should be the same as your game's screen.

If your game screen size is 10x10, then the size of your image should be 672x672 px (since 1 tile is 32px and 10x10 is
21 x 21 tiles)

so you can:

turf                        // put this turf on the map
icon = 'naruto.jpg' // name of the image
layer = MOB_LAYER + 5 // so mob doesn't be over the image

onScreen = 0

src.client.eye = src // center of mob's view is itself
src.onScreen = 0
src.client.eye = locate(10,10,1) // mob's view is the center of the image
src.onScreen = 1

You can also add other images as turfs... you can also put some Click() functions.

Hope this helps...
In response to Samehada24
Thanks that is what i needed.
In response to Samehada24
Note that client.perspective also needs to be modified in order to view turfs out of the mob's sight. Additionally, your onScreen var is defined wrongly (as a global var instead of a mob one), but it is completely unneeded anyway.
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
Note that client.perspective also needs to be modified in order to view turfs out of the mob's sight. Additionally, your onScreen var is defined wrongly (as a global var instead of a mob one), but it is completely unneeded anyway.

Oooopss I forgot... set client.perspective to EDGE_PERSPECTIVE|EYE_PERSPECTIVE, then set client.edge_limit to "SOUTHWEST to NORTHEAST". Also put the onScreen var to the mob

Sorry I was rushing this one...