I've tried..
var/image/A = src.overlays
src.overlays = null
var/A = (src.icon+src.overlays)
And continue on from there. Any help would be appreciated.
Jul 12 2008, 8:15 pm
What my goal is to flip a mob upside down for a verb and it works. However, my hairs and clothing are based on overlays. When I flip a mob, their icon flips, but their overlays refuse to.
I've tried.. mob or.. mob And continue on from there. Any help would be appreciated. |
Jul 13 2008, 1:31 am
Try this one:
In response to Jemai1
Any implementation of that kind of approach is just not going to work well, if at all. Read the Reference:
The individual items in the list may not be directly accessed, since they are stored in a special internal format. The items inside overlays are not /image objects, /icon objects, atoms or otherwise a known manipulatable format. |
Yeah, make a separate list which stores the player's overlays, and then when you edit the list, null the overlays and re-add the list to the overlays.
e.g: mob/var/list/crap |