z return "Parry Low"
x return "Parry High"
a return "Sweep"
c return "Zanzoken"
w return "Who"

I've those into the Macros.dms file. I clicked the alt button on the game. Now nothing happens when I hit those buttons. Did I do everything right or did I miss something.

Thank you.
Well, I'd advise you to use the skin's macro window.

I see nothing wrong there, but dms files lost their "purpose" when interfaces came out, since interfaces can handle macros.
The problem would be either the DMS file not being loaded (seems like you did not use one specifically for a game, and it should be loaded), the commands used being wrong or the wrong key being pressed (I believe it's case sensitive). What's certain is that the ones with spaces are wrong, because IIRC even if the verb name contains spaces, the command can't - it uses a dash instead of a space.
If you're certain you get no 'invalid command' type of an error though, when pressing those buttons (check out Options & Messages), then the DMS file is very likely unloaded.

Also, like Andre, I recommend not using DMS files anymore; they are kind of obsolete - interface files can now be used for pretty much everything they do, and they can do it better, at that. For example, configuring macros is much easier and more flexible with the interface editor than with a DMS file.