as it is right now each player stacks his text on top of the other players so.. need to make it so only shows on the usr... i replaced the To var to usr and src with no luck? can someone help
MapText(To, Text as text, turf/Loc, Layer = FLY_LAYER, line = 0, offset = 0, charset = 'charset.dmi')
if(!Loc || !Text) return
if(offset > 3)
world.log << "Invalid offset in MapText:\n\t\
To:[To] Text:[Text] Loc:[Loc]\n\t\
line:[line] offset:[offset]"
list/Images = list()
len = lentext(Text)
obj/O = new()
if(line) line = 4
O.icon = charset
O.layer = Layer
for(var/position = 1, position <= len,)
O.icon_state = "[copytext(Text, position, ++position)][offset+line]"
Image = image(O,Loc)
Images += Image
To << Image
if(++offset > 3)
offset = 0
Loc = locate(Loc.x+1,Loc.y, Loc.z)
if(!Loc) break
return Images