1. I can only have one pop-up window( this is solved i found the winclone() command im just blind i guess and couldnt find it before)
2. You can only use the input to respond to the last person who sent you an IM.
So i was able to fix the the multiple window thing but now I am trying to get the respond to work. I need the input line in the window to only show up to the two users. Ive updated the code below.
var/varPeople = list()
for(var/mob/T in world)
varPeople += T
var/mob/M=input("Who would you like to whisper to?","") in varPeople +list("Cancel")
var/msg=input("") as text
winclone(M, "Messager","[usr][M]")
winclone(usr, "Messager","[usr][M]")
M << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "[usr][M].IMout")
usr << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "[usr][M].IMout")
winshow(M, "[usr][M]",1)
winshow(usr, "[usr][M]",1)
winclone(M, "Messager","[M][usr]")
winclone(usr, "Messager","[M][usr]")
M << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "[M][usr].IMout")
usr << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "[M][usr].IMout")
winshow(M, "[M][usr]",1)
winshow(usr, "[M][usr]",1)
This is used to initiate the IM chat
send(msg as text)
set hidden=1
M << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "IMout")
usr << output("\blue([usr.Nation])</FONT>--[usr.name]: [html_encode(msg)]", "IMout")
winshow(M, "Messager",1)
winshow(usr, "Messager",1)
This is hidden but assisgned to the input on the IM window see the fact that im using a variable "sender" to define who the message goes to makes it so it can be changed by someone else sending you an IM. Also i dont have the sender assigned anymore in my current IM code because of this problem. Any help would be appreciated
That way you can have several popups.