Meh, it's a bit confusing for me what the profile report things actually mean, also that English isn't my main language may be a factor, but whatever.

Could someone explain to me what those three are, and on what one I've to pay the most attention to, to reduce lag at all.

Also, if it's any bad, could you also tell me what the number maximum can be for each stat?

I got in my game one single proc that's over 0.000, 0.093 to be exact and it's /icon/proc/RscFile.

However, I got 4 0.093's in Total CPU and the rest is all 0.000.

What bothers me is that two procs and one verb have a pretty high value.
/mob/proc/Damage : 241.173
/mob/proc/Regeneration : 1217517184.000
<== *faints*
/mob/verb/dmt : 22.829

Any information would be appricated.
Thanks in advance,

- Rick
In response to Cameron
Thanks and sorry for not *finding* it. :/
In response to Sokkiejjj
All I searched was "profile" :P