Yes Im Coding a Game that has Transformations in it i need help with the following in that Transformation Code...
-Draining of a Var such as Magic but i need it to Drain over time...
-i also need help with Making Sure that when the Verb for the Transformation is clicked again that it doesn't Repeat the effects of the verb again...
if you can help me with this code or Direct me to someWhere or someone who Can it would be Greatly Appreaciated
- Maikito
Aug 24 2008, 10:56 am
mob |
In response to DemonSpree
mob/verb/Toggle_Transformation() That should work. ~Duper |
In response to Duper
Too much spoonfeeding, IMO.
I was mainly showing him bare-bones. |
In response to DemonSpree
Spoonfeeding xD. Sometimes, it's good. He can learn from it.
~Duper |
Should help!