src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Build/verb/)
set name = "Wall"
set category = "Build"
switch(alert("This will cost you 100 gold","Build It","Never mind"))
if("Build It")
if("Never Mind")
else usr<<"You don't have enough money"
set name = "roof"
set category = "Build"
set name = "roof2"
set category = "Build"
icon = 'Wall.dmi'
icon_state = "wall"
density = 1
icon = 'roof.dmi'
icon_state = "roof"
density = 1
icon = 'roof2.dmi'
icon_state = "roof2"
density = 0
icon = 'door.dmi'
icon_state = "door"
density = <dm>
Sep 6 2008, 5:48 pm
ok now i have this set up to where i have a build panel then in that i have 3 objects that you can lay down to build they are only text i want to make it to where they show what the objects look like next to the name of em here is my code which im still in the middle of editing
Sep 7 2008, 12:33 pm
is this like to hard of a subjext for anyone to help me
Those are verbs.
They are only text. If you want it to display an icon, you'll have to make an object (obj) and stick a verb on it. |
just add this under where the obj is defined
src.suffix = "\icon[src]" this will show it after the name, but its as basic as it can get. roof2 |
In response to Deity Production 08
Deity Production 08 wrote:
just add this under where the obj is defined > src.suffix = "\icon[src]" this will show it after the name, but its as basic as it can get. > roof2 Hmm I Have it like floor() |
In response to Opop1
Because you put it under the verb <.< I said to put it under the objects definition. I even gave you an example. It goes with the icon,icon_state, etc are defined.
In response to Deity Production 08
Deity Production 08 wrote:
Because you put it under the verb <.<i said to put it under the objects definition. I even gave you an example. It goes with the icon,icon_state, etc are defined.'<br/> But when i do that i get unidentified var 1 sec gonna try something |
In response to Deity Production 08
Ya man when i try to identify it it gose crazt with all the other codes that have src. in it
In response to Deity Production 08
That is wrong. Don't help people if you have no clue yourself.
In response to Deity Production 08
Deity Production 08 wrote:
just add this under where the obj is defined > src.suffix = "\icon[src]" this will show it after the name, but its as basic as it can get. > roof2 Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about. You'll just lead him astray. |