This game is inspired by the old final fantasys on GBA and DS and a little bit of Dragons Dogma, and I need some ideas for a rich story full of content. Any ideas?
This uninspired, uncreative way of making games is why nothing ever gets done on this site, and why the stuff that do get put out is so garbage that it's not even good enough to be called half-assed.
Not sure if that was directed at me asking for story ideas or what but if so, I simply wanted to involve the community in their chance to help out with a developing story.
War between two countries, Boy lost his father to the war, Mother raped then killed by neighbors, Same for 6 year old sister, He blames everything on the war, and wishes to punish both sides, became a soldier for the skills needed to survive the battle front, Gathers a small but elite force to create a third front, infiltrates the country invading his original country, kills their leader, and becomes leader of them, create a peace treaty, sneaks into other country and kills their leader, and invades, and take over other country unify the country, and they call him the savior the end.
Ehhh seemed to short for me so i'll continue.
20 yearz later on the day of salvation (Which is the unification day).He and his sun watches fire works. Since his son was born on that day he gives him a present a BUSTER BLADE!!! J/k. He gives him necklace of mystical properties. The next day the unified countries are bombed wiping out everyone except for the son the necklace protected him (It contains a shard. A retrieval team was sent in to retrieve said shard.As he grieves for his father he comes under attack but his shard (Of protection) protected him from the bullets that would have killed him. Escaping from the intruders on his father's flight tech he searches for a man named Joseph who was the one to teach his father the skillz of a soldier. Finding him in Dustpelt city he goes through 5 years of training to become a soldier in which he is now 18. Joseph explains that the shard was a hand down from father to son similar to a heirloom, but only certain people of certain blood can use it. His father was not one of them. When all 8 shards are collected who ever posses them in their completed form will have said to have god like abilities in a mortal body. When bandits attack the town he tries to save them, and ends up in a situations where he is supposedly shot from a gun, but the shard protected him, and he successfully defeats the bandits. The next day the "intruders" appeared at the city to try to take the shard ... again. He realizes that the shard being activated must have brought them so he uses the shard abilities of protection to draw them away from the city. zzzzzzz that's all i got...