Pokedex needs a organization of some sort. They are way too many pokemons to be scrolling in such a huge list(from images I saw). I suggest you include a category tab (which categorizes pokemons by their elements) at the top which u can choose from
Sort of like this:
<- Fire +> --- <- Water +> etc
*NOTE : Please note that the + and - signs are just there to be able to better explain this visually
When you click on that + it should take you to the next category while clicking on the - will take you to the previous category
Jun 18 2014, 8:09 pm
Would also be cool if instead of just plain white background it would actually display a image of a scene of the type of pokemon.
i.e Grass while have Grass background, water will have a water background |
In response to FishMan123
I totally agree
Thank you for the suggestion! I also thought the Pokedex was missing something! So here it is, a little update to the Pokedex!! ;)