Unknown Destiny - Cards of Laor

Well, this is the project that I am doing right now: Unknown Destiny - Cards of Laor

Now those who saw my old threads about my mob and elemental card iconing gets a basic idea of what I am trying to do... I think...

Umm yeah... so... can't think of anything else to say <.< Other than <3 water card

Though within the next few days I will 'release' a few rare card pictures...


- GhostAnime

Okay I lied, this is still vague as hell, neh? :P

Bleach Online

I don't know what the others are doing (we are VERRRRY out of touch) or what the other coders did (yes, we do have more than one) but I will probably start working on the project again in about two weeks... assuming none of the other staff members decided to go run off and suicide...</3>
The story seems neat. But Saiyuso pops Saiyan into my head. :(
Lol, I was just typing random names :P However, I will change the race will definately not resemble monkeys [hint]
What program did you make your sound files in?
I have Sony Acid Pro <3 Also I have Finale from school to make just midis from :S <3 Music class :P