She's the only person who was able to work professionally and did great maps for Pokemon Atom.
The game will finally be released after she's done with designing the indoor for houses and gyms.
For the people hearing for the first time about Pokemon Atom; It's an online Pokemon MMO using the classic Pokemon battle system (Turn-based). Featuring an original storyline, fully customizable trainer, Pokemon from Gen1 & Gen2 (More will be added as we move on) ...
Here are some screenshots of the newest maps and the latest UI used in PA.

The game's map! Finally completed! (Set in a 500x500 world)

The new UI (Instead of replicating the classic Pokemon interface, i tried something more...simplistic)
Hope you guys will give the game a shot when it's up and hopefully enjoy it too! We plan on having the first open-server up on july 1st. So keep an eye on the game by adding it to your favorites!